Ubc Portal Student Drive

The best matching results for Ubc Portal Student Drive are listed below, along with top pages, current status, FAQs, and comments. If you are facing any issues, please write detail in the comments section for the solution.

Updated: May 06, 2022



How do I access ubc OneDrive?

Go to portal.office.com in your web browser. Enter your Firstname.Lastname@ubc.ca email and your UBC CWL password when prompted to log in. Select OneDrive from the dashboard, and the interface will open in a new window.

How do I access my ubc workspace?

To start using Workspace:
Go to www.workspace.ubc.ca. Enter Group ID: UBC and enter your Enterprise Active Directory (EAD) login credentials under the Username and Password. (For most, this is the same as your Campus-Wide Login (CWL) login information)

How do I install ubc in Word?

The file could be found on the bottom of your browser on a Windows computer or prompted on a Mac computer. Download Microsoft Office app on your phone or tablet: When prompted to activate your license during the installation, sign in with your cwl@student.ubc.ca email.

How do I download Excel to ubc?

Students can obtain their free subscription to Office 365 via download.ubc.ca, which will lead to the creation of a new UBC-specific Office 365 account. Students can then use that account to login to Microsoft's Office Portal and download the full suite of programs.
2. Langara.ca

Log in - Langara College


Langara College, located in Vancouver, B.C., provides university, career, and continuing studies programs to over 23000 students annually.


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