Portal Walkthrough Chamber 19 Escape

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Updated: April 24, 2022



How do you get through the door in the portal?

You will see a locked door in a mesh wall. You can't break the lock, but you can shoot a portal onto the other side to get into there. Open the door in the fenced-in area.

How do you beat level 19 on can you escape?

This is done by creating a portal on the wall behind the platform, and a portal on the wall to your side (slightly below your level, as seen in the image on the left). When this has been done, jump through the portal. You made the correct party escort submission position decision, and chose to escape.

How do you get out of test chamber 19 in portal?

Quickly fire a blue portal onto one of the black park marks on the wall to warp the energy pellet out of the hall. As soon as the pellet is gone, immediately fire an orange portal onto any nearby wall to make sure the pellet doesn't bounce back through the portal loop and re-enter the hall.
2. Thonky.com

Test Chamber 19 - The Cake is a Lie - Portal Walkthrough


In fact, since you have the portal gun, it's pretty easy to escape a fiery demise. Just shoot a portal on the wall above the ledge that ...


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