Portal Radio Morse Code

Hobbies And Interests Arts And Entertainment Business Technology And Computing

The best matching results for Portal Radio Morse Code are listed below, along with top pages, social handles, current status, FAQs, and comments. If you are facing any issues, please write detail in the comments section for the solution.

Updated: June 10, 2022


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What is the name of the radio song in Portal?

The song "Still Alive" was written by Jonathan Coulton and performed by Ellen McLain for the 2007 video game Portal.

How do you get the radio achievement portal?

When you pass the hall, look to the left and up there is a camera, radio is on there. Open a portal to destroy camera and radio will drop down to get it.

What are the radios for in Portal?

When Radios are encountered, they are usually switched on and play an up-tempo version of the tune from the end of Portal ("Still Alive"). The Radios in Portal did not originally serve any obvious purpose, and appeared to be present merely in order to provide ambiance.

How do you get the radio is chamber 12 portal?

In order to reach it, have one portal on the bottom, and the other portal on the angled platform. Fall from the first level into the bottom portal. This gives you just enough momentum to fly in between the fourth level and the platforms. Carefully walk along the support and grab the radio.

Is Fandom a safe site?

The Internet can be a wild and scary place, but Fandom is something of an oasis for many of us. It's generally a friendly, open, and safe place to be, with people working together to build something great!

What is fandom COM used for?

Fandom is where fans find themselves through entertainment. We provide a judgement-free zone where people can discover new favorites, go as deep as they want to and engage with other fans. And we can do it across virtually any entertainment or gaming property out there.

Does Fandom cost money?

Fandom is a free hosting service that can be anything from fan wikis for communities (as well as comprehensive information on those communities such as trivia) or for in depth information on conspiracy theories, as an example.
2. Reddit.com

So you know the radio from portal 1 right? Well if you take that with you through the portal the radio starts sending morse code and when ...


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