Portal Question

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Updated: May 26, 2022




What is Portal theory?

Among several hypotheses that have been formulated, the 'portal theory' proposes that the liver is directly exposed to increasing amounts of free fatty acids and pro-inflammatory factors released from visceral fat into the portal vein of obese patients, promoting the development of hepatic insulin resistance and liver ...

How do portals work?

A portal is created using a multidimensional substance, the particles of this substance exist in two dimensions simultaneously. You can move the particles around in your home dimension, but they tend to remain in the same place in the target dimension which is where your portal will appear when you activate it.

What is the portal paradox?

This video is about the Portal Paradox - a paradox in the video game Portal (and Portal 2) regarding whether or not a companion cube passing through a moving portal plops out of the other end with no speed (velocity, momentum), or shoots out at high speed.

What is Reddit really used for?

Reddit is a social news platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content that other users have submitted. To help police the site and prevent spammers from bombarding readers, Reddit came up with “karma” points. Users get karma by their comments and links being up-voted by others in the community.

Is Reddit a safe site?

Reddit is designed for adult users, not kids. It's not a safe place for kids or younger teens because of risks including predators, misinformation, dangerous online challenges, and data leaks.

Is Reddit owned by Facebook?

Reddit is a social news site owned by a company called Condé Nast Digital.

How do I find a Reddit group?

If you're using the old Reddit design, the search bar is in the top-right. If you're using the new Reddit design, it's at the very top in the middle. Type what you want to see here and press Enter to search. When you use the search bar, Reddit will pull up subreddits, users, and posts that contain your search term.
2. Dvdtalk.com

The portal question - Finally answered by a physicist


The diagram, as it's supplied, shows the portal being on the bottom of the press. That means the box itself has zero inertia - it is simply ...


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