Portal Nutanix Com

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The best matching results for Portal Nutanix Com are listed below, along with top pages, social handles, current status, FAQs, and comments. If you are facing any issues, please write detail in the comments section for the solution.

Updated: April 17, 2022



What does Nutanix do?

Nutanix, Inc. is an American cloud computing company that sells software, cloud services (such as desktops as a service, disaster recovery as a service, and cloud monitoring), and software-defined storage.

What is the company Nutanix?

Nutanix, Inc. engages in the provision of enterprise virtualization and storage solutions. It engages in cloud operating system that converges traditional silos of server, virtualization, storage, and networking into one integrated solution and unifies private and public cloud into a single software fabric.

Is Google going to buy Nutanix?

Assuming 20% of the total synergies to Nutanix, the acquisition price would be $3 Billion. Intrinsic value of Nutanix would be at $6.3 Billion, and from the synergies was $3 Billion, The acquisition price for Google would be $9.3 Billion.

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