Portal And Half Life Crossover

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Updated: May 02, 2022

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FanFiction.Net is an automated fan fiction archive site. It was founded on October 15, 1998, by Los Angeles computer programmer Xing Li, who also runs the site. It has over 12 million registered users and hosts stories in over 40 languages.

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Is Portal a Half-Life spinoff?

Half-Life has spawned since then many modifications, expansions, and sequels, most of which set in the same universe. ... In the spin-off series, including Portal and its sequel, Portal 2, the main protagonist, Chell, a Test Subject, is detained in the Aperture Science computer-aided Enrichment Center, run by the A.I.

Is Portal 2 and Half-Life in the same universe?

Yes. They share the same universe but Chell's story is completely unrelated with Freeman's story. The Aperture Science Borealis ship is mentioned in Half-Life 2: Episode Two and was supposed to be the major plot point in Episode Three, and you can find its old dry dock in Portal 2.

Is FanFiction net still active?

FanFiction.Net Today
As of 2018, the site has over 10 million users and stories posted in over 40 languages.

Is FanFiction net legal?

Fanfiction in its current form is an infringement of copyright. Fanfiction is defined by the use of characters and expression from an original creative work and the creation of derivative works, all of which is illegal under current copyright law (McCardle, 2003).

Is any FanFiction illegal?

Copyright And Fanfiction
Fanfiction in its originality can be said to be a violation of copyright laws. Fanfiction makes use of settings and characters curled out from an original work of fiction work. It creates an unoriginal work. All these it does is classified as illegal according to copyright law.
2. Fanfiction.net

Half-Life and Portal Crossover | FanFiction


Now, the Half-Life gang must find the Borealis so they can use its portal technology to find Alyx and finally beat the Combine. Luckily, three of the best ...


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