Portal Advanced Chamber 15

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Updated: May 19, 2022



How do you beat test chamber 15 advanced in portal?

Shoot a portal on the wall panel and place a portal on the floor. You should now land on the other side of glass. As soon as the pellet goes theough the portal, fire a portal that lead a direction to bounce. Fire a portal quickly that the Pellet bounces around the room and goes into the receptacle.

How do you solve puzzle 15 in portal?

You need to get past the large, incandescent particle field that blocks off the opposite half of the room. However, you cannot simply shoot a portal through the particle field. Instead, you'll need to use a momentum jump to reach the other side of the room.

How do you do the chamber 16 in portal?

  1. Go at the end of the hallway and wait for the door to open.
  2. Go through the door and knock over the turret and wait for it to shut down.
  3. Walk to the end of the small hallway and stop before the red beam.
  4. Look to the left - along the beam. ...
  5. Shoot the other portal on the wall near you and go through it.

How do you get the radio in test chamber 15?

2. Weebly.com

Portal Advanced Chamber 15 - lawgreenway


Portal Easter Eggs ... This Test Chamber is the sixteenth level of the game, and introduces the player to more advanced Flinging techniques. The Chamber also ...


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