Portal 2 End Scene

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Updated: April 23, 2022

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Does Portal 2 have 2 endings?

Portal 2 will offer two different endings, one for single play and one for co-op play, developer Valve has confirmed. Speaking to Videogamer, the title's writer Chet Falliszek promised, "Both sets of credits [will feature something special], because we've got two credits."

What happened at the end of Portal 2?

At the end of the story, the robots gain entry to "the Vault", where humans are stored in stasis. GLaDOS gives thanks to the robots on locating the humans, whom she sees as new test subjects, and the game ends.
2. Reddit.com

At the end of portal 2, GLaDOS allows Chell to leave. However, once she takes the elevator out, she is stopped into a room filled with turrets.


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