How To Delete A Student From Parent Portal Powerschool

The best matching results for How To Delete A Student From Parent Portal Powerschool are listed below, along with top pages, current status, FAQs, videos, and comments. If you are facing any issues, please write detail in the comments section for the solution.

Updated: May 12, 2022



How do I remove a student from parent portal?

Removing a student from an account - To remove a student from a parent account, click the red X on the right side of the screen. Clicking this disassociates the student from the parent account.

How do I remove a student from PowerSchool?

How do I exit/drop a student from PowerSchool?
  1. Step 1: Clear any recorded absences from the Exit Date and after.
  2. Step 2: Navigate to Functions (Enrollment Section) > Transfer Out Of School.
  3. Step 3: Input your exit date and exit code before pressing submit.
  4. Step 4: Confirmation Screen. Bonus: California-specific Exit Codes.

How do you block people on PowerSchool?

To make adjustments, select Settings from the Manage Domain drop-down menu, then navigate to the Classes tab. Under the Class Customization Options area, if you would like to prevent parents from viewing Grades, uncheck "Allow Parents to view their children's grades." Hit Save and you should be all set!

How do I change students on PowerSchool?

How to delete a student from my parent account?

I would suggest reaching out to the school district in order to review and discuss the access level you have associated with the parent portal.


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