Csu Staff Portal

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Updated: April 18, 2022



Is Charles Sturt blacklisted?

Charles Sturt University Vice-Chancellor Andrew Vann, who has denied the institution could lose the title 'university' under new education standards. Charles Sturt University has denied that it was one of the institutions that could lose the 'university' title under a review of higher education.

Is Charles Sturt University good?

Charles Sturt University is ranked 801 in World University Rankings by Times Higher Education and has an overall score of 4.5 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.

Why did you choose Charles Sturt University over other universities in Australia?

Why choose Charles Sturt University? We have hundreds of courses spread across five welcoming campuses. Our graduates get jobs faster than any other Australian university. By studying in a regional area, you could be eligible for extended post-study work rights.

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