Coventry University Student Portal Contact

The best matching results for Coventry University Student Portal Contact are listed below, along with top pages, current status, FAQs, and comments. If you are facing any issues, please write detail in the comments section for the solution.

Updated: June 17, 2022



What is Coventry University email address?

Contact Us
Email Telephone
Coventry University London students: Coventry University London students: 02477 650467
CU Group students: CU Group students: 02476 650474 02477 659786 02477 650463
9 more rows

How do I access my Coventry email?

Sign in to Coventry University
... or you can login using one of the following services. To log on please select the Coventry University symbol underneath the sign in box and log on using your university email address (eg and your computer password.

What is the ranking of Coventry University?

Coventry University was ranked 50th nationally in The Times and The Sunday Times University rankings 2020, and 6th across the West Midlands, ranking highly across student surveys, teaching, student experience and graduate prospects, and maintaining our status as a high performing institution.

Is Coventry University easy to get into?

Oxford and Cambridge are notoriously hard to get into, and the lower down you go in the uni league tables, the easier it gets – or so you might think.
Full list of UK university offer rates.
Rank University Offer rate
119 London Metropolitan University 87.5%
120 Coventry University 87.8%
118 more rows
10 Aug 2021

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